Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

CoupononDeal is dedicated to protecting your privacy online. This document outlines how your personal information will be handled as you utilize the full range of services we offer. Please be aware that this policy is subject to changes, so we recommend revisiting it periodically. This Privacy Statement is exclusively applicable to the site

  1. Aggregated Information
    We collect aggregated information, such as user access or visitation pages, and information users choose to share with us through various methods. For instance, collects IP addresses; an IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer when you browse the Internet. Web servers identify your computer by its IP address, and when you request a page from, our servers log your IP address. We use IP addresses solely for web traffic analysis and trend identification purposes.

  2. Use of Cookies employs cookies on this site. A cookie is a small file that most major websites store on your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies enable us to track site activity and enhance your experience by remembering your passwords and viewing preferences.

  3. Children

    • Children and Privacy encourages parents and guardians to engage online with their children and to be fully aware of the sites their children visit.
    • Individuals under 13
      Users under 13 should not submit any information to without parental or guardian consent. does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from users under 13 for any third party, regardless of the source, unless explicitly disclosed during collection.
  4. Disclosure Policy
    CoupononDeal is affiliated with various Affiliate Networks, such as Commission Junction, LinkShare, ShareASale, through which we offer certain deals, promotions, or features. When you click on links provided by Affiliate Networks and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Leaving our site for a merchant's site through affiliate network coupons or offers involves the use of cookies, pixels, or similar technologies to collect non-personally identifiable information (e.g., hashed data, click stream info, browser type).

    • Credit Card Advertiser Disclosure may receive compensation from credit card offers, bank offers, and other financial & insurance services. This compensation might affect the presentation, ranking, or order of products on this site. does not cover all credit card companies or all available finance offers.

    • Partner links - Yieldkit GmbH
      This website contains partner links from YIELDKIT GmbH. Clicking on these links briefly redirects you via a transparent URL to the target page. Purchases or other engagements with the provider result in a commission for us. YIELDKIT tracks these transactions without personal data such as names or addresses. For more information on data handling and opt-out options, please visit YIELDKIT's privacy page.

  5. Effect of Privacy Policy
    This privacy policy does not establish any contractual or legal rights on behalf of any party. reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, with changes being communicated to users.

  6. Links to Other Sites includes links to external sites, which may have privacy policies that differ from ours.